
Our latest drug and alcohol detox blogs

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How to Get Help If You Have an LSD Tolerance

If you’ve developed an LSD tolerance, you might be able to detox on your own at home. However, if you experience severe psychological symptoms that make it difficult to continue with your day, you’d likely benefit from professional help.

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After Detox
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Anxiety and Addiction: Treatment Strategies and Recovery

Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders that addicted individuals and people in recovery experience. Every person with anxiety will experience it differently, but there is a significant link between substance abuse and anxiety. Anxiety can contribute to substance use disorders, and vice versa, which can make symptoms worse and recovery more difficult.

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Drug Addiction
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What Are the Most Commonly Abused Diet Pills?

Many people misuse these commonly abused diet pills to try to lose weight, take advantage of the stimulant effects, or to satisfy a psychological need caused by an eating disorder. Although diet pill abuse is most common among teens, it can affect anyone at any age. Abusing prescription diet pills is harmful to your physical health and can cause psychological issues like addiction. If you’re struggling with diet pill abuse, help is available.

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librium and alcohol
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Barbiturate Overdose: Risks, Side Effects, and Symptoms

If you hear a friend or loved one mention “angel dust” in conversation, they might be talking about an illegal drug called PCP. In previous decades, PCP abuse was a big problem and it has slowly made a comeback. Becoming familiar with these terms can help you pick up on conversations about possible drug use.

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Drug Addiction
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What Is Angel Dust?

If you hear a friend or loved one mention “angel dust” in conversation, they might be talking about an illegal drug called PCP. In previous decades, PCP abuse was a big problem and it has slowly made a comeback. Becoming familiar with these terms can help you pick up on conversations about possible drug use.

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Drug Addiction
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Are Nootropics Harmful and Addictive?

Nootropics (also sometimes called smart drugs, study drugs, cognitive enhancers, memory enhancers, and neuroenhancers) are prescription drugs or OTC substances that are said to improve cognitive performance.

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